Manufacturer Data & Services


We provide many ways to share information with sales agents who use OASIS efficiently. Here are a few ways to make integrating easier.



Manufacturers with Integration

Supported - An integration item that we support and maintain.
Certified - A supported integration that meets key standards of usefulness, performance, resource utilization, and user requirements.
Unsupported - An integration that is not funded nor supported due to a lack of coordination between the manufacturer and Ingen Software.
Disabled - An integration that has been removed.


Price Lists



Manufacturer Forecast


Manufacturer Forecast is a service that allows agents to send manufacturers essential quote information, including quoted parts and other data. Sending this information will enable manufacturers to plan resources accordingly for upcoming orders. The agents will set it up once, and then it will run in the background. The information is then reported to manufacturers in aggregate, so overall part demand is seen, allowing manufacturers to create reports. Once the agent participates in the program, the information is emailed once a month from Ingen in .xls format.



